Hi, I'm Otto!
Some people call me Mutru. I'm a startup entrepreneur from Finland, currently living in New York.
I'm the founder and CEO at Swarmia, a developer productivity platform for modern software organizations. In my previous life, I ran product and engineering at Smartly.io and co-founded a startup called Flowdock.
I co-authored a book called Build — Elements of an Effective Software Organization with my colleague Rebecca Murphey.
You can read it for free online or order a copy from Amazon.
Other work
Swarmia intro video
It's me talking about Swarmia's product.
Measuring software development productivity
An original 2021 post about software development productivity.
Structuring engineering organizations
How to design a software engineering organization around outcomes.
Unblocked.fm — Niilo Säämänen, CTO of Wolt
My one and only attempt of hosting a podcast before letting Rebecca take over.
TalentBuzz podcast — Building a world-class tech team
Talking about team building, recruiting, and recognizing engineering talent.
Applying queuing theory to coffee-making
You'd be surprised how far you can get with a single coffee maker.